Når Iotunn, årets andet hovednavn, indtager scenen på Raise Your Horns, kan de ikke alene fejre at være tilbage på bassist Eskil Rasks fødeø, men også deres 10-års jubilæum som band. Siden starten i København i 2015 har det dansk/færøske melodiske death/prog metal band udgivet en EP og to albummer senest ’Kinship’ i oktober på Metal Blade med mix/master af Jacob Hansen. Albummet har taget både fans og anmeldere med storm, hvor bl.a. Heavymetal.dk, Metalized og Gaffa alle har givet topkarakterer ikke mindst takket være forsanger Jón Aldarás (Hamferd, Barren Earth) imponerende vokalpræstation, der mesterligt veksler mellem skønsang og brøl.

Kinship er et komplekst, storladent, melankolsk, arrigt, udfordrende og smukt stykke lydkunst på otte numre, hvor Iotunn dybt forankret i nordiske traditioner går sine egne veje og cementerer sig som et af de mest spændende bands i moderne, progressiv metal. Albummet er baseret i dikotomier som lys/mørke, krop/sind, natur/kultur, god/ond og skabelse/ødelæggelse med fortællinger om menneskelige valg, identitet og indflydelse, og bandet har selv beskrevet deres musikalske udtryk som en ”cosmic and contemplative journey of energetic beauty and ferocity”. Vi er beærede over at kunne præsentere dette fremstormende band som hovednavn på Raise Your Horns 2025.
When Iotunn, the second headliner of the year, take the stage at Raise Your Horns, not only can they celebrate being back on bassist Eskil Rask’s island of birth but also their 10-year anniversary as a band. Since their start in Copenhagen in 2015, the Danish/Faroese melodic death/prog metal band have released an EP and two albums, most recently ’Kinship’ in October on Metal Blade with mix/master by Jacob Hansen. The album has taken fans and reviewers alike by storm, where amongst others Heavymetal.dk, Metalized, and Gaffa all have given top grades, not least thanks to lead singer Jón Aldará’s (Hamferd, Barren Earth) impressive vocal performance that masterfully switches between clean singing and screams.
Kinship is a complex, epic, melancholic, ferocious, challenging, and beautiful piece of sound art of eight songs, where Iotunn deeply rooted in Nordic traditions go their own way and cement themselves as one of the most exciting bands in modern, progressive metal. The album is based in dichotomies such as light/darkness, body/mind, nature/culture, good/evil, and creation/destruction with stories about human choice, identity, and influence, and the band has described their musical expression as a ”cosmic and contemplative journey of energetic beauty and ferocity”. We are honoured to present this skyrocketing band as headliners of Raise Your Horns 2025.