Det franske band Kozoria blev dannet i 2013, men der skulle gå elleve år, før de indspillede deres debutalbum ’The Source’, der udkom i oktober på Black Lion Records. Som et mix af Gojira, Trivium og Devin Townsend leverer Kozoria knusende riff, en massiv mur af kor og skift mellem melodi og brutalitet baseret i dybe rødder af thrash, death og progressiv metal. Bandets storladne lyd er især imponerende i betragtning af deres fundamentale opsætning som kvartet.
Indtil videre har Kozoria primært spillet koncerter i deres hjemland, inkl. til finalen ved Wacken Metal Battle, hvor de har begejstret fans med deres tekniske kunnen og viscerale energi. Med det nye, sublime album i bagagen er de nu klar til at indtage Europa heriblandt med deres første danske koncert, hvor vi kan se frem til at opleve gruppens intense, dynamiske og interaktive optræden, når de spiller på Raise Your Horns 2025.
French band Kozoria was formed in 2013, but it would take eleven years before they would record their debut album ’The Source’ which was released in October on Black Lion Records. As a mix of Gojira, Trivium, and Devin Townsend, Kozoria deliver crushing riffs, a massive wall of choirs, and shifts between melody and brutality based in deep roots of thrash, death, and progressive metal. The band’s epic sound is especially impressive, considering their fundamental lineup as a quartet.
So far, Kozoria have primarily played shows in their home country, including at the finals of Wacken Metal Battle, where they have thrilled fans with their technical ability and visceral energy. With the new, sublime album behind them, they are now ready to take on Europe along with their first Danish show, where we can look forward to experiencing the group’s intense, dynamic, and interactive performance when they play Raise Your Horns 2025.