Fra i sidste uge at have offentliggjort et af de nyeste bands, går vi denne gang til et af de ældste bands på årets program. Esbjergbaserede Maceration er pionerer på den danske metalscene og var et af de første bands i landet til at spille og udgive death metal. Albummet ’A Serenade of Agony’ fra 1992 regnes for en milepæl i dansk metal, men Maceration gik i opløsning kort efter udgivelsen. Der skulle gå 30 år, før gruppen igen rørte på sig og i 2022 udgav deres comebackalbum ’It Never Ends…’ på Emanzipation Productions.

Macerations nye album ’Serpent Devourment’ udgives 31. januar på Emanzipation med produktion af Dan Swanö (Bloodbath, Edge of Sanity), der var vokalisten på gruppens foregående to udgivelser. På dette nye album håndteres vokalarbejdet af Jan Bergmann Jepsen (Cor Vacante), et af de nye ansigter i bandet, der også består af oprindelige medlemmer som Jakob Schultz (Invocator) på guitar. Musikken er stadig old-school death metal med masser af brutalitet og groove, men også med melodi og catchy riff, der gør det umuligt ikke at headbange.
From having announced one of the newest bands last week, this time we go to one of the oldest bands on this year’s program. Esbjerg based Maceration are pioneers of the Danish metal scene and was one of the first bands in the country to play and release death metal. The album ’A Serenade of Agony’ from 1992 is considered a milestone of Danish metal, but Maceration broke up shortly after its release. It would take 30 years, before the group started moving again and in 2022 released their comeback album ’It Never Ends…’ on Emanzipation Productions.
Maceration’s new album ’Serpent Devourment’ will be released January 31 on Emanzipation with production by Dan Swanö (Bloodbath, Edge of Sanity), who was the vocalist on the group’s previous two releases. On this new album, the vocal duties are carried out by Jan Bergmann Jepsen (Cor Vacante), one of the new faces in the band, which also consists of founding members such as Jakob Schultz (Invocator) on guitar. The music is still old-school death metal with lots of brutality and groove but with melody and catchy riffs as well that make it impossible not to headbang.