Det rumænske melodiske death metal band Machiavellian God vil spille deres første koncert i Danmark på Raise Your Horns 2025. Siden dannelsen i 2017 har gruppen udgivet de to album ’Divine Flaw’ i 2019 og i år konceptalbummet ’Beyond the Void’, der er baseret i en narrativ rejse fra nihilisme mod eksistentiel opdagelse præsenteret i tapeter af mørkt, immersivt billedsprog.

Romanian melodic death metal band Machiavellian God will play their first show in Denmark at Raise Your Horns 2025. Since forming in 2017, the group has released the two albums ’Divine Flaw’ in 2019 and this year the concept album ’Beyond the Void’ which is based in a narrative journey from nihilism towards existential discovery presented in tapestries of dark, immersive imagery.