Polsk kampmetal til Bornholm

Det polske band Warbell spiller Göteborg-inspireret melodisk death metal og har indtil videre udgivet to album samt Ep’en ’Ruin’, der udkom sidste år. Warbell har spillet koncerter og festivaler over hele Europa, hvilket i 2025 nu også inkluderer Danmark med deres optræden på Raise Your Horns, hvor publikum kan se frem til at høre bandets hårdtslående kampsange.

Polish band Warbell play Gothenburg inspired melodic death metal and have so far released two albums as well as the EP ’Ruin’ that came out last year. Warbell have played shows and festivals all over Europe which in 2025 now also includes Denmark with their performance at Raise Your Horns, where the audience can look forward to hearing the band’s hard hitting battle songs.