Death metal veteraner vender tilbage

De danske death metal veteraner vender tilbage til Raise Your Horns efter en forrygende optræden i 2022. I 2023 kunne Shadowspawn fejre 10-års jubilæet for bandets dannelse med udgivelsen af albummet ’Blasphemica: Absolution Carved From Flesh’, der er tung old-school groove inspireret af den amerikanske scene fra 80’erne og 90’erne. Vi er henrykte over at have death metal mestrene tilbage på bornholmsk jord i 2024.

The Danish death metal veterans return to Raise Your Horns following their incredible performance in 2022. In 2023, Shadowspawn could celebrate the 10-year-anniversary of the formation of the band with the release of the album ’Blasphemica: Absolution Carved From Flesh’ which is heavy old-school groove inspired by the American scene of the 80s and 90s. We are thrilled to have the death metal masters back on Bornholmian soil in 2024.

Første annoncerede navn til RYH 2024

Det bornholmske band BeCursed er det første annoncerede navn til Raise Your Horns 2024. Bandet spiller en blanding af death, black og doom metal og består af musikere med 25+ års erfaring fra den danske metalundergrund. Siden dannelsen i 2020 har kvartetten spillet flere koncerter bl.a. som opvarmning for Artillery og Vansind. Vi er stolte over at kunne offentliggøre et lokalt band som det første navn på årets program.

Bornholmian band BeCursed is the first name announced for Raise Your Horns 2024. The band plays a mix of death, black, and doom metal and consists of musicians with 25+ years of experience from the Danish metal underground. Since forming in 2020, the quartet has played a few shows including supporting Artillery and Vansind. We are proud to be able to reveal a local band as the first name on this year’s program.