
Sidste offentliggørelse og andet hovednavn er de svenske black metal legender Necrophobic, der i 2019 kunne fejre sit 30-års jubilæum. Ligesom Naglfar var de med til at definere den svenske black metal lyd i starten af 90’erne og har siden 1993 udgivet ni album. Necrophobic blev dannet af bandets trommeslager Joakim Sterner og den nu afdøde guitarist David ’Blackmoon’ Parland, der også var en del af skabelsen af Dark Funeral. Necrophobics musik er en blanding af old-school black metal med thrash grooves og en smule melodi, der vil falde i smag hos fans af bands som Dissection, Watain samt føromtalte Naglfar og Dark Funeral.

Som så mange andre bands har Necrophobic været begrænset af COVID de sidste par år og spillede slet ikke koncerter i 2020, men udgav til gengæld det meget stærke album ’Dawn of the Damned’. Bandet kom efter det i 2021 med en række optrædener og planlægger at tage stærk revanche i 2022 med koncerter over hele verden bl.a. på festivaler i USA, Tjekkiet, Belgien, Østrig, Tyskland, Rumænien og Bornholm. Vi er beærede over, at ikonerne inkluderer vores festival på deres verdensturné og ser frem til at overvære disse yderst kompetente og erfarne herrer levere den rå black metal stemning, som de har gjort så mesterligt siden starten af 90’erne.

Final announcement and second main act are Swedish black metal legends Necrophobic who in 2019 could celebrate their 30-year anniversary. Much like Naglfar, they helped define the Swedish black metal sound of the 90s and since 1993 have released nine albums. Necrophobic was founded by the band’s drummer Joakim Sterner and the now deceased guitarist David ’Blackmoon’ Parland who also participated in the creation of Dark Funeral. Necrophobic’s music is a mix of old-school black metal with death and thrash grooves and a bit of melody that will appeal to fans of bands such as Dissection, Watain as well as previously mentioned Naglfar and Dark Funeral.

Like so many other bands, Necrophobic have been limited by COVID the last couple of years and did not play any shows at all in 2020, but on the other hand did release the very strong album ’Dawn of the Damned’. The band did get after it in 2021 with a number of performances and plan to take strong revenge in 2022 with shows all over the world for instance at festivals in the US, the Czech Republic, Belgium, Austria, Germany, Romania and Bornholm. We are honored that the icons include our festival on their world tour and look forward to witnessing these extremely competent and experienced gentlemen deliver the raw black metal atmosphere as they have done so masterfully for decades.