Medlemmerne af death metal bandet Shadowspawn er veteraner på den danske scene og kunne i 2023 fejre 10-års jubilæet for bandets dannelse med udgivelsen af albummet ’Blasphemica: Absolution Carved From Flesh’ via Emanzipation Productions. Shadowspawns tunge old-school groove er inspireret af den amerikanske scene fra 80’erne og 90’erne med navne som Morbid Angel, Immolation og Malevolent Creation såvel som de danske death/thrash-traditioner fra 90’erne, som gruppens medlemmer var en del af med bands som Cinerator, Sacrificial og The Petulant.
Foruden Blasphemica har Shadowspawn siden 2013 udgivet EP’en ’Ashes of Sorrow’ samt de to album ’Hope Lies Dormant’ og ’The Biology of Disbelief’. Bandets udgivelser bliver generelt taget yderst positivt imod af anmelderne som Metalized, der gav The Biology of Disbelief topkarakteren 10/10, eller, der tildelte Blasphemica 9/10. Shadowspawn har optrådt på adskillige danske og internationale scener og spillede en forrygende koncert på Raise Your Horns i 2022. Vi er henrykte over at have dem tilbage på bornholmsk jord i 2024.
The members of death metal band Shadowspawn are veterans on the Danish scene and in 2023 could celebrate the 10-year anniversary of the band’s creation with the release of the album ’Blasphemica: Absolution Carved From Flesh’ via Emanzipation Productions. Shadowspawn’s heavy old-school groove is inspired by the American scene of the 80s and 90s with names such as Morbid Angel, Immolation and Malevolent Creation as well as the Danish death/thrash traditions of the 90s that the group’s members were a part of with bands such as Cinerator, Sacrificial and The Petulant.
Besides Blasphemica, since 2013 Shadowspawn have released the EP ’Ashes of Sorrow’ as well as the two albums ’Hope Lies Dormant’ and ’The Biology of Disbelief’. The band’s releases are generally extremely well received by the critics such as Metalized who presented The Biology of Disbelief with their highest grade of 10/10 or who awarded Blasphemica a 9/10. Shadowspawn have performed on numerous Danish and international stages and played an incredible show at Raise Your Horns in 2022. We are thrilled to have them back on Bornholmian soil in 2024.