
Det måske mest melodiske indslag på Raise Your Horns 2021 er den svenske heavy/power metal kvartet Tungsten. Bandet har udgivet to album på Arising Empire, ’We Will Rise’ i 2019 og ’Tundra’ i 2020, siden dannelsen i 2016. Selvom Tungsten er et nyere band, består det af medlemmer med stor anciennitet. Dette høres tydeligt i musikken, der trækker på fortiden, men er et moderne bud på melodisk metal med symfoniske elementer og tekster, der både omhandler fantasyslag og mere jordnære hverdagsproblematikker. Dette afspejles også på coverne med krigermaskotten Wolfram designet af Andreas Marshall (Blind Guardian, Obituary, Hammerfall).

Ideen til bandet opstod, da trommeslager Anders Johanssons sønner præsenterede ham for noget musik, som de havde skrevet, der, som han beskriver det, var ”catchy heavy metal with both past and future present.” Med farens baggrund i bands som Yngwie Malmsteen’s Rising Force, Manowar og Hammerfall har sønnerne, Karl og Nick, fået metallen ind med modermælken, hvorfor det var naturligt, at de tre med tiden skulle danne et orkester sammen. Sangeren Mike Andersson (Cloudscape, Planet Alliance, Fullforce) fuldender kvartetten med sin stærke, alsidige vokal, der helt sikkert vil inspirere publikum til at hæve næverne i vejret.

Perhaps the most melodic act of Raise Your Horns 2021 is Swedish heavy/power metal quartet Tungsten. The band has released two albums on Arising Empire, ’We Will Rise’ in 2019 and ’Tundra’ in 2020, since its formation in 2016. Even though Tungsten is a rather new band, it consists of members of great seniority. This is heard clearly in the music which draws from the past but is a modern take on melodic metal with symphonic elements and lyrics that deal with fantasy battles as well as more grounded everyday issues. This is depicted on the covers as well with the warrior mascot Wolfram designed by Andreas Marshall (Blind Guardian, Obituary, Hammerfall).

The idea for the band came about when drummer Anders Johansson’s sons presented him with music that they had written which, as he describes it, was “catchy heavy metal with both past and future present.” With the father’s background in bands such as Yngwie Malmsteen’s Rising Force, Manowar and Hammerfall, his sons, Karl and Nick, have been fed metal since birth, thus it was natural for the three of them to create a band together eventually. Singer Mike Andersson (Cloudscape, Planet Alliance, Fullforce) completes the quartet with his powerful, versatile vocals that are certain to inspire the audience to raise their fists in the air.