
Det danske melodiske death metal band Vanir vender tilbage til Raise Your Horns med et helt nyt album i bagagen. ’Epitome’, der er udkommet for nyligt på Mighty Music, er bandets syvende album og indeholder ni nye brutale og melodiske sange. Både fans og anmeldere er henrykte over det nye album, som indeholder noget af det absolut bedste materiale i bandets karriere. 2024 er fyldt med koncerter for Vanir inkl. det netop afviklede udsolgte releaseshow på Gimle med Shadowspawn, der ligeledes vender tilbage til vores festival i år.

Publikum kan se frem til at opleve Vanirs sanger Martin Rubini to gange på årets festival, da han også fungerer som vokalist i Lotan. Til forskel fra Lotans sataniske black metal er Vanirs death metal dog baseret i folk/viking-traditioner med den nordiske historie og mytologi samt fortællinger om vigtige begivenheder fra Middelalderen som gennemgående temaer. Da Vanir spillede på Raise Your Horns i 2019, var det tiårsjubilæet for deres dannelse, og nu fem år senere er de endelig tilbage. Udover de nye numre håber vi selvfølgelig på at høre ‘Raise Your Horns’.

Danish melodic death metal band Vanir return to Raise Your Horns with a brand-new album under their belt. ’Epitome’, which has released recently on Mighty Music, is the band’s seventh album and contains nine new brutal and melodic songs. Fans and reviewers alike are thrilled about the new album which contains some of the absolute best material in the band’s career. 2024 is filled with shows for Vanir incl. the sold-out release show that was just held at Gimle with Shadowspawn who likewise will return to our festival this year.

The audience can look forward to experiencing Vanir’s singer Martin Rubini twice on this year’s festival, since he is the vocalist of Lotan as well. However, unlike Lotan’s Satanic black metal, Vanir’s death metal is based in folk/Viking traditions with the Nordic history and mythology as well as tales of important events from the Middle Ages as central themes. When Vanir played Raise Your Horns in 2019, it was the ten-year-anniversary of their formation, and now five years later they are finally back. Besides the new songs, we of course hope to hear ‘Raise Your Horns’.