
Det svenske death metal band Demonical har de sidste femten år leveret deres brutale og melodiske blanding af tunge grooves, hurtige riffs- og dobbeltpedal. Dannet af medlemmer fra Centinex præsenterer bandet en rå, old-school lyd, der trækker inspiration fra både svenske og amerikanske traditioner med navne som Suffocation, Dismember og Hypocrisy. Siden deres start i 2006 har Demonical indspillet seks album og en række EP’er. Den seneste albumudgivelse, ’World Domination’ fra 2020, er debut for vokalist Christofer Säterdal (Fimbultyr/Hell Patrol).

Demonical er ikke bange for at udfordre lytteren, hvilket de demonstrerer på nummeret ’Slipping Apart’, hvor Säterdals dybe growl kontrasterer Nils Patrik Johanssons (Astral Doors) høje heavy metal vokal. Gennem årene har gruppen spillet hundredvis af koncerter i Europa, Rusland, Nord- og Sydamerika. I 2022 vil de turnere Europa med deres første optræden på Bornholm nogensinde til Raise Your Horns. Forhåbentlig vil sætlisten bestå af en blanding af gamle og nye numre inkl. materiale fra bandets 7. album, der står til at udkomme til foråret.

For the last fifteen years, Swedish death metal band Demonical have delivered their brutal and melodic mixture of heavy grooves, fast riffs, and double bass drums. Formed by members of Centinex, the band presents a raw, old-school sound that draws inspiration from both Swedish and American traditions with names such as Suffocation, Dismember and Hypocrisy. Since their start in 2006, Demonical have recorded six albums and several EPs. The latest album release, ’World Domination’ from 2020, is the debut of vocalist Christofer Säterdal (Fimbultyr/Hell Patrol).

Demonical are not afraid to challenge the listener, which they demonstrate on the track ’Slipping Apart’ where Säterdal’s deep growl contrasts the high heavy metal vocals of Nils Patrik Johansson (Astral Doors). Through the years the group has played hundreds of shows in Europe, Russia, North and South America. In 2022 they will tour Europe with their first ever performance on Bornholm being Raise Your Horns. Hopefully, the set list will consist of a mix of old and new songs including material from the band’s seventh album that is set for release in spring.
