Raise Your Horns er stolte af at kunne præsentere det legendariske black metal band NAGLFAR som første annoncering og hovednavn på festivalen for 2022. I 2020 vendte bandet triumferende tilbage med ’Cerecloth’ på Century Media, deres første album siden ’Téras’ fra 2012 og 7. album siden begyndelsen i Umeå i 1992. Guitarist Andreas Nilsson beskriver albummet kort og præcist som “the usual death and destruction.” NAGLFAR spiller klassisk black metal, der til tider er melodisk, men altid aggressiv og dyster.

Den svenske trio er opkaldt efter skibet fra nordisk mytologi, der er skabt af de dødes negle og ved Ragnarok vil sejle horder af jætter til Asgård for at udkæmpe det endelige slag mod guderne. Med det stærke, nye album i bagagen er det sorte dødsskib klar til at sejle verden tynd, hvilket inkluderer et stop på vores bornholmske metalfestival. Vi ser frem til at se NAGLFAR levere den autentiske, bistre stemning fra det kolde Nord, når de indtager Musikhuzets scene.

Om annonceringen af NAGLFAR som hovednavn udtaler Thomas Stibolt, formand for Raise Your Horns: ”Det er ingen hemmelighed, at jeg personligt har drømt om at kunne præsentere NAGLFAR på Raise Your Horns allerede fra begyndelsen i 2018. At det nu endelig lykkes sætter en tyk streg under, at har man en drøm, så kan det lade sig gøre, hvis man er ihærdig og arbejder hårdt.” NAGLFAR var på programmet for Raise Your Horns 2021, men måtte desværre aflyse, så vi kunne ikke være mere begejstrede for at præsentere bandet på næste års festival.

Raise Your Horns are proud to present the legendary black metal band NAGLFAR as the first announcement and headliner of 2022’s festival. In 2020 the band triumphantly returned with ‘Cerecloth’ on Century Media, their first album since ‘Téras’ from 2012 and 7th album since their formation in Umeå in 1992. Guitarist Andreas Nilsson gives the short and precise description of the album as “the usual death and destruction.” NAGLFAR play classic black metal which at times is melodic but always aggressive and bleak.

The Swedish trio is named after the ship from Norse Mythology that is created from the nails of the dead and come Ragnarok will sail hordes of Jötnar to Asgard to fight the final battle against the gods. With the strong, new album behind it, the black death ship is ready to sail the oceans which includes a stop at our metal festival on Bornholm. We look forward to watching NAGLFAR deliver the authentic, bitter atmosphere from the cold North when they take the stage at Musikhuzet.

About the announcement of NAGLFAR as headliner, foreman of Raise Your Horns, Thomas Stibolt, states: “It is no secret that I have personally dreamt about being able to present NAGLFAR at Raise Your Horns since the beginning in 2018. That it is now happening cements the fact that if you have a dream it can become reality, when you are tenacious and work hard.” NAGLFAR were on the program for Raise Your Horns 2021, but unfortunately had to cancel, thus we could not be more thrilled to present the band on next year’s festival.